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Communication in the Workplace

Writer's picture: Better SpeechBetter Speech

In this presentation, we will discuss the importance of strong workplace communication and provide practical tips for improving communication abilities at all levels, gaining insights into resolving conflict, providing meaningful feedback, and creating an open, positive verbal and written communication culture.

Slides used during the Speechinar:

Speechinar Transcript


Better Speech: Hi, everyone and welcome to today's webinar. We are going to be talking about communication in the workplace, and I am your host. My name is Leonora Edwards, and I am a board certified speech, language pathologist, with better speech. I will be sharing my screen momentarily, so give me a moment as I set up, and we will be sure to dive right in.


Better Speech: The art of communication in the workplace. And I like to pose this as an art, because this is something that will evolve over your lifetime. So we're gonna be talking about strategies and techniques that you can apply immediately. When I went to graduate school.


Better Speech: they would often tell me, make it functional, make it functional. How are we using it immediately. And I've just gotten really in the habit of finding tact that I can use right away. And that's all about what you're gonna be getting this evening about these massive takeaways on how you can communicate more effectively in the workplace. Oh, wrong way!


Better Speech: Be careful with that one. So, as I said, my name is Leonora Edwards, and I have been a board certified speech, language pathologist since 2,009,


Better Speech: and I hold a variety of certifications in the field relevant to communication. I truly understand how to help people communicate better with themselves, but also how to communicate more effectively within the workplace.


Better Speech: What matters what's important, how to communicate effectively and why it's really important is because this goes back to building rapport and trust not only with yourself, but also with other people. When you can communicate effectively with yourself and communicate across the way to others, you will notice that you become more confident and more competent in your skills.


Better Speech: So first slide, did you know that we are always communicating? Communication goes well beyond words, and it's truly important, especially with our phones literally within hands reach. It's so important to be able to communicate face to face, and to be able to carry that message forward so that other people understand what you're saying to them, but also so that you understand them.


Everything becomes much, much easier when you really understand how you communicate. And if you're receiving that information from the other person that you're going back and forth with.


Better Speech: Oh, jump too far. I am a big, quotes person. There are quotes throughout the entire presentation.


Better Speech: And this is why I love these communication is the solvent that binds teams and companies together. Without it we fail completely a thousand percent. If I cannot communicate effectively with my colleagues, whether they are on the same level as me, whether they are, whether I'm communicating with a higher up, or somebody who is not a higher up.


Better Speech: If communication is not in place, there is a massive breakdown, and it shows it actually shows up, and people being frustrated and angry and irritated a lot, and not only are they frustrated and irritated, they will commiserate with each other, and it builds and it builds, and then it's out of control.


Better Speech: So my first questions to you are, what are your thoughts? I want you to pause and take a moment. What is one communication, skill that you would like to enhance, to become a better communicator. Now keep in mind what I'm going to be sharing with you tonight not only will help you in the workplace.


Better Speech: so help you everywhere else. So this is both professional and a bit personal. So this is a really good, really good stuff that I'm going to share with you also. When was a time that miscommunication created a challenge or conflict for you at work?


Better Speech: What could have been prevented? So, as I mentioned. I've been working in the field of speech pathology since 2,009.


Better Speech: Even if I rewind all the way back to when I was in college? How was I communicating with my professors? How was I communicating with my peers in graduate school as I became a student clinician, same thing, and then notice


Better Speech: what interactions were really effective, what really resonated with you as you were communicating with others. And when did you have a lot of question marks? This will not only show you how you like to communicate with other people, and how you like to receive that information.


Better Speech: but this will also enhance your ability, so that you are ultimately more effective across the board. So here are some fast facts for you.


Better Speech: I know you guys can go ahead and read them. 56 percent of employees say, communication issues drag down productivity completely. You know why? Because they're all commiserating with each other about how they don't understand something or how somebody's not listening. It breathes and it builds a cycle. And it's one that we do not want to keep perpetuating when we're in the workplace.


Better Speech - Better Speech: 86% of employees and executives site lack of collaboration for workplace failures, especially when you're collaborating.


Better Speech: You want people to feel included, but also that they're making collective progress. Not so much this middle school high school thing of hey? There's one leader and the rest of them sit back and put their feet up.


Better Speech: If people aren't being heard, you will see people taking the back seat. Because why bother that person isn't. Gonna listen to me, anyway, it's really important to keep the open lines of communication and notice. I'm saying communication. not whining. There is a difference.


Better Speech: So we know about effective communicators and ineffective communicators. Here are some patterns of effective communication. What does it build? It builds deeper understanding. It builds enhanced trust, cooperation, collaboration. Everybody feels much better because they're feeling seen and heard. That's a great thing and effective. What do we have? Probably been in an ineffective communication work environment. So you know what that's like.


Better Speech: and you probably left a workplace. If you're somewhere in your in your twenties or your thirties or fortys, you've probably been in a few environments that where there was not effective communication, and you may have even left because of it. We often now call them the catchy phrase of toxic workplace.


Better Speech: So active, listening. Now active listening is a skill and this is gonna be a skill that you're gonna need for life. What are your thoughts about active listing? When was the time that you truly felt, heard, and understood.


Better Speech: How did you know what made it effective? What active, listening strategies do you find most challenging? So, as we go forward.


Better Speech - Better Speech: The reason, I say this is a live skill, and that I'm going to share with you what you can use professionally, but also personally, is because we're constantly communicating, as I mentioned, and we'll get deeper into that. But when we're talking about words, when we're talking about the language that is coming out of our mouth, and the language that we're receiving through our ears. It is truly important to be engaged with that person.


Better Speech: How might I act engaged? I'm going to be making eye contact. I'm going to be angled toward that person. I'm going to be listening. I'm not going to be halfway doing this and giving them my partial attention when we're doing this. Yes, no, everybody's got a busy life. Everybody's got stuff going on a thousand times true but when you're face to face with somebody, to give them that human to human connection is so vilely important because ultimately at our core, at our most primal level. We want to be seen. We want to be heard. We want to be understood.


Better Speech: So that is why it's so truly important to be able to look at somebody and engage with them. Show that you're interested. Going like this clearly indicates that you're not interested in what they're sharing with you.


Better Speech: So how can we be more of an active listener maintaining eye contact. nodding. And oh, I understand that another great technique is echoing what somebody says, or repeating what somebody says. The last few words.


Better Speech: Oh, this is really important to me. I'd like to get this done tomorrow. Oh, it's important. Okay, we're aiming for tomorrow. Great, thank you for letting me know.


Better Speechh: literally repeating, giving back those words to what they said, and not in a mocking what manner? In a true, I got your message. Thank you for letting me know that this is important and that and we need to work on this together immediately.


Better Speech: Reflective responses, paraphrasing just as I did echoing. However, you want to label it. It's still true when we're doing this, when we're engaged with somebody, when we're having this eye contact situation, and we're also taking the information that they shared with us. And we're sharing it back to them.It builds trust, it builds rapport. These are core skills.


These are core things that we want, that we literally crave as humans. We want to be able to trust other people. We want to be able to feel connected. And that is why active listening is so important.


Better Speech: Other beneficial things are to ask clarifying questions. Can you better understand this? And rather than saying, Yeah, yeah, I got it. Confirm with them. This is the step sequence that we need to be taken correct. That's going to ensure that there is clear communication, and that everybody is on the same page, ultimately reducing any stress and keeping everybody in that much better mood. And that's a phenomenal way to be working.


Better Speech: again, another quote, the most basic of all human needs is the need to be under is the need to understand and be understood. I say this about 15 times a day, be seen, be heard, be understood. These are core to us. The best way to understand people is to listen to them and to listen with intention.


Some helpful tips, as I already mentioned, maintaining eye contact, clarifying questions, avoid the distractions. Another one is, I used to work in a skilled nursing facility. And there's so many things going on.


Better Speech: Do your best to again go up to the person, have the back and forth. If you're with, for example, in my case, if I'm with a patient or a client, minimizing distractions is really important. Kids are often with screens and and videos and music in the background. Everything shuts down. It's really important because you're engaging with somebody, and you want them to know. Hey? I see you. I got you. I'm paying attention. That's a great thing. Avoid interruptions, as I mentioned, and paraphrasing really really helpful.


Better Speech: on to our next 1. One of my favorites nonverbal communication. And I have 2 questions for you. I'd like you to reflect on a miscommunication you've had, due to unclear nonverbal signs. Signals, what cues were missed, what non verbal habits of your own might others find confusing or off putting. How can you adjust them? So when it comes to non verbal communication?


Better Speech: Right now, as I'm talking. These words are coming out of my mouth. This is what we consider language. This is what we consider expressive language very specifically verbal language. When we're talking about nonverbals. As I said, we're always communicating. We're communicating with our facial expressions. We're communicating with our tone of voice. We're communicating with our energy. We're communicating with our body. There's so many things going on, and it's really important to be sure.


Better Speech: How effectively are you able to communicate right now? You can clearly tell. I am engaged with you guys. I'm listening to you. I'm watching with comments. I'm sharing knowledge with you for sure I am engaged in it. I'm not partially going like this and trying to explain something to you.


Better Speech: No, clearly, I'm an engaged person. You can tell by my body language. I'm enthusiastic. I'm sharing this information with you. I'm specifically using my body to emphasize where these points are where these key points are. Tone of voice. Clearly I'm awake. I'm alert. I'm engaged. Completely different, and therefore completely different energy when you're working with somebody, and that energy, as in boo-boo energy as in quite literally you when somebody walks into the room, and you, just like....Dark Cloud, just walked in or like Eeyore.


Better Speech: you can steal that energy. And then there are other people who come in, and they're bright, and they're sunny. And you can feel that, too. That's energy. And it speaks volumes. So as we're talking about this aligning your nonverbal communication. One big thing I want you to notice is when you're talking to somebody notice, and you're you're wanting to notice if they're absolutely engaged with you. You can usually tell. Also notice their feet.


Better Speech: If their feet are angled away from you, they're partially engaged, even if it's their turn head is turned over over their shoulder.Partially engaged. Notice their feet. Which direction are they angled in when they're straightfor? That is an even more engaged person.This is your body language. This is how we're using it.


Better Speech: Another quote, the most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said. Facial expression, tone of voice, these things matter. Also notice the words that we use in the sense of the language. If I'm using very intense language, and it's really important.


Better Speech: That is a tone of voice. I can use a variety of words that can really communicate, that this makes me angry, that this is really irritating for me. That is language, as in the verbal expression. But it's still being communicated. How I'm communicating to you. Another thing is also notice. There's silences. If you're going for a really long time, and somebody's not speaking, there's something else going on. That is a way of communicating. We want them to be an engaged listener as well.


Better Speech: Here are some helpful tips maintain open, relaxed posture. Sometimes this one is getting a little confused. Sometimes some people may be comfortable this way. Some people may not be comfortable this way. Some people may be cold, it is up there, though sometimes I would notice for me more specifically if they're turned away from you and they're crossed. That is a clear communication.


Better Speech: But if they're here and they're engaged, and they're talking to you. For me. That's okay. Avoid distractions as always, clicking your pen, fidgeting, playing with your hair, doing all these things, all communicate. You're not fully there. You're not fully present.


Better Speech: moving on to our next one emotional intelligence. This is one of my favorites. When we're talking about emotional intelligence. 2 questions you may have started to hear this a little bit more over the last couple of years, when it's starting to get a little culture catchy.


Better Speech : Eq. What's your Eq. We have our IQ, our our intellect, our Eq. Our emotional intelligence. Think about a time your emotions impacted your communication negatively. How could greater self awareness have led to be to a better outcome.


Better Speech: What situations often trigger strong emotions for you in the workplace? How do you manage? Just how do you manage staying composed. So really, ultimately emotional intelligence. This is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and to understand the other person's emotions. And I noticed this is. if you're in a conversation, or if you're having a pause and take a step here. So you're there's a concept at work. and you happen to be a part of that conflict. You're not understanding what I'm talking about.


Better Speech: It can come across like they're coming after you. And if you're working to maintain your composure, you're going to take it personally, and what you want to do is acknowledge that you can stay calm.


Better Speech: I understand this person's upset. Manage your voice. This is a key thing. When you can manage your voice, when you can manage your posture, you are much more able to stay emotionally intelligent about the entire situation. If you're letting your emotions get the best of you, and they're coming after me because I'm in defense mode and they're criticizing me.


Better Speech : you're gonna Spike, and you're gonna lose that Eq, you're gonna lose that emotional intelligence. Now, if you're working with other people, and there's a big difference. Disagreement going on again. Emotional intelligence is something. It's an art. This is a practice, whether you're at home and you're communicating with your kids or you're communicating with your spouse. Emotional intelligence is having the ability to recognize something's irritating you, that you're getting upset, that you're getting frustrated and to not take it out on somebody.


Better Speech : having this emotional state control to remain calm, and this will tax you if you ever notice if you've had a really stressful day, and your Eq. Isn't at. Well-trained would be the best way. You may start to notice that your stress is completely through the roof, and before you know it you are in a sleeve of oreos, because you're trying to calm your nervous system down.


Better Speech: When you practice the art of managing your emotions, you will notice that that won't happen as much because you'll be able to regulate yourself. You'll be able to notice these people are coming to me with problems. I'm not necessarily the problem when they're coming to me with problems. And I feel like I'm the problem, and I have to fix it all.

Better Speech: You're taking it all on. Think of it like a buffet. They're coming to you with food.Here, have this, have this, have this.

And you need to choose. If it's something you want to take in. When you can decide. Do I need to take on all this intensity, all this and stress? And you can go? No, I can look at it.


Better Speech: They have a problem. I am in a situation that there is a problem. I'm not the problem. There's a big difference. And notice the language. This is why this is truly truly self, truly important, and it's a skill for life. When you practice empathy, when you practice being able to understand somebody else, when you practice that self-awareness of saying.


Better Speech: Okay, I'm I'm really stressed out right now. And I need a break. Having that self-awareness that says. I need to come back to this, where this is truly important. But I'm going to need to come back to this. It makes a huge difference when you can pause and have that emotional stability have that self-awareness that says.


Better Speech: this is upsetting me. This is activating me. This is aggravating me when you can have that. It's not a bad thing. That's a great thing. How you navigate the situation is the emotional, intelligent, component is that EQ component? It's truly important to be able to know.


Better Speech : Okay, I'm overloaded. I need a break. I need to go outside for a walk. I need to. I need to come back to this at another time.


Better Speech: That is something that should be celebrated versus screaming at other people and lashing out or saying, Why, just deal with it. This is how is around here. It's so important. And it's one that's actually starting to to shift in our culture, which is a great thing for people to be able to have that awareness that says, Hey, this is really intense for me. I need to step away and come back.


Better Speech: It's not ignoring. It's actually giving a lot of respect to yourself and a lot of respect to other people that says this is important, and I want to think about it with a clear mind. Let me come back to this. This will help you. Resolve conflicts much more effectively.


Better Speech: Again, another quote, which is why I love this quote. This is a quote from my life. People will forget what you said and what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel. When we're activating and we're responding out of anger and out of frustration, and just deal with it. Not but I got so much going on at work. One more responding like that.


Better Speech: That energy burst is going elsewhere. It's going on to other people, and then it creates more instruction, creates more frustration. And it's just really not a healthy environment. And then, before you know it, we have a toxic work environment. But these are things that we even do at home, especially if somebody comes home from a busy day, and they're just kind of word vomiting. They may be venting, understand that they are not saying


Better Speech : lore the problem, understanding. They have a problem. This is a huge difference.


Better Speech: helpful tips.


Better Speech: humor. Being able to find humor and joke about it in a soft way, or being able to introduce humor in a soft way, is really, really, really helpful, because quite literally, when humor is present, we have a completely different chemical hormonal balance in our body, and it releases stress.


Humor is a phenomenal way to help build your IQ, but to also help create a fun and enjoyable work environment. In one of my one of the places I used to work at when we were on a break, and we were typing notes.


Better Speech: We would also have lighter music in the background, or maybe sometimes, like a a resident, would ask for the comedy channel to be on. It makes a difference.


Better Speech : Allow there to be humor in the work place, allow there to be fun in the work place. Nobody said it had to be boring somehow. We all picked this thing up and had to be miserable.


Better Speech: allow it to be fun. The more fun you can create, the better everything will be. Be patient. not only with ethics. Be patient with yourself. Allow yourself to know that these are skills that you're developing. And that's a good thing in person to inbox. Of course, our last topic for this evening is emailing, what are your thoughts? When has an email you sent been misinterpreted?


Better Speech: What email etiquette guidelines? Do you find most challenging to uphold consistently? How could you improve now, especially in today's rapid fire emailing situation when you're reading emails, especially if you're in any form of leadership, or if you're a supervisor of any sort.


Better Speech : Your state, your emotional state. If you're having a good day, you're probably gonna read that email in a good tone.


Better Speech : If you're not having that great of a day You can misinterpret that email. I'm a big person on emojis. and I'm also a big person on finding ways to bring in jokes, finding ways to have people understand my tone more effectively. Excuse me, pause for a second when we can communicate effectively in an email. People receive that email much better, especially if people know me. I will say. insert Corny, Corny Lenora joke here, or something, because it's gonna make them laugh. But also they can understand my tone much better.


Better Speech : especially with these new hip phrases which I'm gonna get into. It's truly important to do your best to find ways to communicate with other people. And if you want to add a little comic or something in there keeping things light-hearted is really really important.


Better Speech: Another quote, of course with the right tone. An email can inform, inspire, build, trust, and strengthen relationships with the wrong tone. It can create distrust and destroy relationships, even when you're sending. And I have a whole bunch in here, guys. So do not worry when you're sending emails. especially the reason, I say, with the way that things are are shifting in our culture.


Better Speech: Per, my previous email could sound like her, my previous email or her my previous email. Do you see the tone, do you hear it? And we're reading this. So, depending on where you are, you can, or or your perception of somebody, you can interpret it entirely differently than the person intended. And this is how miscommunication happens. Because if I'm reading it in a frustrated manner, and I get an email from a supervisor.


Better Speech: well, what if they sent me that for? And it will spiral the rest of my day? But also, if I respond immediately, it will spiral all of that. And it's not going to be effective. So really finding ways to have soft language, the reason I use it soft is because it can come across really harshly finding ways to soften it. I do have so clarification. We do want to be clear. We do want to.


Better Speech: You want to offer emphasis. We do want to collaborate, and we want to have solutions. Understanding that your words do have some power, your tone, find ways to set your tone in your email when you're offering appreciation, or you're critiquing something. Notice. I really like this this and this. And I'd like to see more of this rather than this is what you need to correct. Feel the difference.


Better Speech: I really like this this and this, you're offering things that. And you're also showing that you're actively paying attention to them, and that they're seen in their herd, and the difference between and but is huge. I really like this this and this, but I'd like to see more of this, this and this. I really like this, this and this, and I'd like to see more of this this and this. Can you hear it.


Better Speech : when you add the positive, and then you add a but you negate everything that you just said. The brain quite literally interprets everything that you just said, and takes the nails woop right out. The window no weight to it whatsoever. Be careful with the word when you're placing it. Following up. I look forward to connecting further, don't hesitate to reach out. I do really like to say this. Don't hesitate to reach out. Let me know, because if I'm not communicating clearly to my colleagues or to my students, or to supervisors.


Better Speech : That's on me. No problem. People know that I am an open, child. They can come back to me, because if they didn't understand something number one, it does not mean they're stupid.


Better Speech : Number 2. It means something is being missed, and I'd much rather have that communication component that says, Let me clarify a little bit more, and then when I get to zoom with them, or when I get them on the phone they can hear my tone of voice completely differently.


Better Speech : Here's another one lately. Greetings. Hey, hi! How are you? Hear the tone in there. It's a little bit different appreciation. You, Rock. Thank you so much. Ping me if you have any questions. These are lighter things that we're using absolutely. What do you think about teaming up on this rather than what do you think about you finding somebody to do this with.


Better Speech : again depending on what you're working on. That may be completely appropriate. Notice how you're communicating in your emails. But also when you're communicating in your emails. Oh, I double. I double down on that one when you're communicating in your emails. Also think of the individual. How good is your rapport with them? Do they trust you?


Better Speech : Are they an active listener? Are you actively listening when they're talking? These are truly important because it's going to help make that an email interaction much more effective. Okay, apparently I have a tickle at my throat.


Better Speech: So here we go. Does anyone have any questions? And I did notice that people have been messaging me. So thank you so much. And I'm just going to check. If you guys would like to add anything else you're welcome to. At this point, the first question I got was from Mary.


Better Speech : What are effective ways to form bonds with colleagues you don't regularly interact with. I love this question.


Better Speech - Better Speech: Effective ways to form bonds is usually through light-hearted, clean humor. I love finding the funnies and finding funnies that I can hang up throughout the office or sending them something, especially if I don't interact a lot with them.


Better Speech : I will look for things that general things that might make me smile. One. So I'm in my late thirties, and I send people funny things from the nineties or from the funny things from the eighties.


Better Speech - Better Speech: How we, the one that I sent recently was rotary phone off the hook and it said how we used to block people when we were when we were younger, because it's a funny thing, and that's like, if you were trying to avoid a telemarketer. Hmm!


Better Speech - Better Speech: Same exact thing. It's a very common thing. Let's see how it's general. It's light hearted. Funny. It's a common thing. Being able to find common ground is so important because you want to find things that they're interested in, and that you are interested in, so that you have that commonality among each other.


Better Speech: Another one is, how do you recommend voicing concerns the leadership while remaining professional? I love this question.


Better Speech : recommend voicing, voicing when you have concerns absolutely. Also understand that you have concerns. and when you're communicating those current concerns, you want to communicate them in a professional manner.


Better Speech : I'll never forget one situation where there was somebody who was quite upset. And she made it well known in the staff meeting of 20 plus people that she was very upset with one leader.


Better Speech : and to me that wasn't very professional. going up to that individual and saying, You know, can we sit down and have a meeting. I'd like to discuss this further, because for me, my intention is to never shame, never guilt, never put down somebody. If I have concerns. I have concerns, and I can express those concerns in a professional way, in a kind way, in a sincere way, and it's important to be able to acknowledge that.


Better Speech: I think we have one more. What tips do you have for crafting emails that avoid miscommunication. love this even with all the examples. What I would also encourage people to do is, notice your most effective emails. Notice your tone. Notice how you like to receive an email. Do you like a Hello! Do you like a I hope all is well, all the best. Or do you like to cut right to the chase? Some people like to cut right to the chase.


Better Speech: When you do that, it can come across, as not all that clear and friendly, it can come across differently, depending on what you're talking about. So let's keep in mind. Let's go with, you know these are people that I work with every day, and hey, they're in the office next door, and it was a quick message about an email. No. Can you take care of this today?


Better Speech : You probably already have a good report. Hello! I hope all is well after 13 emails that day. Probably not necessary. Your first time talking to them that day, hey? I hope you had a great day yesterday. That's sincere. That's kind. That's a great way to start an email.


Better Speech: Alright. So if you just communicate, you can get by. But if you communicate skillfully. You can work miracles. And that is why I shared all the techniques that I did share with you guys today, because it's really important that you carry these skills not only professionally, but also personally, because we want you to be an effective communicator, and you most likely want to be an effective communicator throughout your life, and everywhere you go.


Better Speech: If you guys would like more. If you would like to work with a communication coach here at better speech, you're more than welcome to reach out to us. You can visit better, and we actually offer a consultation. But also when you work with a clinician or a communication coach. Very specifically.


Better Speech: you'll get a handbook. You'll also get practices. You'll get scenarios. You'll get to be able to have a conversation with a professional who is an expert at communicating. So it's really well worth it if you're interested, that is always always available to you.


Better Speech: and that is it, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for spending time with me today. I truly appreciate you investing your time with me here today. I hope you found it valuable and helpful, and if you have more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at better speech. Thank you so much for your time.


About the Presenter

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Lenora Edwards

I am ASHA Board Certified Speech Language Pathologist and Chief Knowledge Officer with Better Speech. Since obtaining my CCC’s in 2010, I have worked with individuals of all ages from little ones who are learning to understand and express themselves to adults who want to improve their speaking skills and become a more fluent and effective communicator.


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by Patricia D. Myers

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Better Speech is a great program that is easy to use from home and anywhere online. Shannon was amazing at engaging our shy son - and building on their relationship each session! Her commitment to knowing him improved his confidence to speak and practice more. Truly appreciate her dedication. She cares for her clients.

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