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How to Figure out Your Child’s Learning Style
Figuring out your child's learning style will help you understand how they learn best.
Spot Early Signs of Speech Delay in Your Child
Learn about early signs of speech delay and how to get help at an early age.
How to make R sound?
If your child cant produce r, it is likely due to a speech impediment known as rhoticism.
Pragmatic Goals for Speech Therapy
Pragmatic goals involve improving communication skills in social contexts and they can be essential.
Receptive vs. Expressive Language Development in Children
Receptive and expressive language development work together both skills are crucial for speech development
Vocal Hygiene: Why you need to start caring for your voice now
Learn what causes vocal problems and how you can prevent them from happening.
What words should you teach your baby first?
Teaching your toddler these functional words will give them the tools they need to communicate effectively.
7 Benefits of Teaching your Child Sign Language
Here are seven reasons why teaching your child sign language is a great idea!
Common Words That Kids Struggle to Pronounce and Why
Wondering why your child struggles with certain words? There are common sound substitutions kids do
What is Tongue Thrust and how to stop it?
Want to know what is tongue thrust and how to stop it in children and adults? Learn from a speech therapist!
The Difference Between Phonological Disorder and Articulation Disorders
Do you know the difference between a phonological and an articulation disorders? This will teach you!
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Speech Therapy
Let us debunk 6 of the most common myths about AAC and explain why they are not true.
Sight Words are critical for reading, speech and language development
Sight words is critical! It makes up a large percentage and are important for language development.
Speech Therapy for Parkinson's Disease
Speech problems caused by Parkinson's are complex. Learn how speech therapy can help you understand how to help your loved ones.
Best Speech Therapy Tip for People with Aphasia
Aphasia speed disorder can occur after an injury or stroke. We've covered the best advice on speech recovery & how to help your loved ones.
Understanding Motor Speech Disorders: Dysarthria and Apraxia Explained
Motor Speech Disorders are physical in nature. Children can make progress in speech therapy.
How Speech Therapy Can Help Children With Autism
Even if your child is more autistic, a session with a speech therapist can help correct his or her speech and make it clearer.
Why Does My Child Call Everything “Foofoo?” Are Made-Up Words Real Words?
Do your kids make up words? Is it normal, or is it a sign that your child has a speech problem? Here's how to manage made up real words.
How To Teach Kids The SHH Sound - Tips & Tricks From a Speech Therapist
Children may need help with the Shh sound. Here are some tips and tricks to help them develop it.
How to Help Someone Who Stutters
For people who stutter, interactions with others may be stressful. Here are tips and ways to help!
Speech Therapy Resources and Articles | Better Speech
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