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Speech Therapy Exercises for Stroke Recovery
A stroke is a life-altering event, and it can significantly impact a person's ability to communicate. However, a stroke doesn’t have to...

Regaining Your Communication: Stroke Recovery Speech Therapy
Regaining Your Communication: Stroke RecoverySpeech Therapy

What is cognitive communication deficit and how to treat?
An overview of cognitive communication deficits including causes and treatment options. Learn how speech therapy can help.

Tracheostomy: The Benefits of Being Able to Speak
Explore the benefits of speech therapy for tracheostomy, and how can adults and children regain the ability to talk with a tracheostomy.

Speech Problems in Dementia
Find out more about the common speech problems associated with dementia and how can you help your loved ones communicate more effectively.

Online Speech Therapy and Games
Many people are turning to online speech therapy: learn what benefits it offers and how online games can be used for speech therapy.

Speech Therapy Activities for Aphasia
Know some speech therapy activities and techniques for people with aphasia and their caregivers.

Why Do Adults Need a Speech Therapist
Speech therapy can help adults improve their communication skills in a variety of reasons.

Best Speech Therapy Tip for People with Aphasia
Aphasia speed disorder can occur after an injury or stroke. We've covered the best advice on speech recovery & how to help your loved ones.

Understanding Motor Speech Disorders: Dysarthria and Apraxia Explained
Motor Speech Disorders are physical in nature. Children can make progress in speech therapy.

A New Year: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Activity for Speech Therapy At Home
For kids, the start of a new year is a good time to practice speech and language therapy at home.

Adult Speech Therapy Tips: How to Organize Your Thoughts
We all can have trouble organizing our thoughts, but with our useful tips you'll learn how to organize your thoughts like your closet.

Speech Therapy for People with Alzheimer's or Dementia
Dementia occur as a result of damage to the brain. Let's understand how speech therapy can help.

Home Health Speech Therapy Helps Seniors Stay Social
Home health speech therapy ensures that your loved ones get tailored treatment. Learn what home health speech therapy is & how it works.

Is Anxiety Connected To Aphasia? How to Treat Aphasia?
Understanding Aphasia and how anxiety and stress might be related to fixing related speech problems.
Speech Therapy Resources and Articles | Better Speech
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