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How to Treat Apraxia of Speech in Kids with Autism?
Children with autism often have a variety of symptoms. One of which is Apraxia of Speech. SLPs can help.

Pediatric Speech Therapy & The Benefits for Your Child’s Development
Children begin to develop speech ability at the age of just three months. These months are the most crucial.

3 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Toddlers in Speech Therapy
Have some fun with your toddler on Valentine's Day while also practicing their communication. Check our our list of fun activities to use.

Monkey See Monkey Do!
Imitation skills for speech delayed/late talking toddlers is crucial. Parents should focus on teaching kids to repeat what they are doing an

Do Children Who Are Late Talkers Catch Up?
We understand how children learn at their own pace. However, others need help to outgrow their delay.

New Research: "Late talkers twice as likely to have severe, frequent temper tantrums"
Is your late talking or speech delayed toddler having more tantrums that other kids? Learn why.

3 Best Tips for Selecting Toys for Your Speech or Language Delayed Child
Worried about which toys to buy for toddlers with a speech or language delay? Here are our top 3 tips.

Boo! Halloween with Non-Verbal Kids is a Treat
Tips on how to celebrate Halloween with your non-verbal child in speech therapy for kids.

Speech Therapy in the Home or Clinic?
A common question parents have is whether speech therapy is better done at home or in the clinic? In general, kids of all ages do much...

The Best Holiday Gift Idea for Kids with a Speech Delay
Looking for the best toy for your child with a speech delay? Our speech therapists have the answer!

Help! No One Understands What My Toddler is Saying
A thing we hear most from parents is that someone doesn’t understand what their child is saying.

The Mouth With a Mind of Its Own
Matthew knows what he wants to say but the words always come out very mixed up.

10 Repetitive Books for Children with Apraxia of Speech
Repetitive books for children with apraxia of speech can be a great tool for developing a child's speech.

When is Your Toddler Ready to Use Signs?
When a child can be taught with non-verbal gestures. Important factors to consider before teaching.

How Children Develop their Speech Sounds
Kids learn how to say sounds by listening to the adults around them speak. These are sounds to teach first.

Apraxia of Speech vs Speech Sound Disorders – Accurate Diagnosis is Key
Speech therapists make an accurate diagnosis and distinguish apraxia from other speech sound disorders

Early Intervention Speech Therapy
Early intervention speech services are usually provided between birth to the age of 3. Learn more!
Speech Therapy Resources and Articles | Better Speech
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