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Apraxia or Apraxia of Speech and a Case Example
Apraxia can be developmental or acquired. Generally, it can impact at any age. Here's an example of apraxia

What Can I Do to Help My Child Who Stutters?
Some kids grow out of it...but don't wait to find out. This article has home help for kids who stutter a lot.

Ways to Exercise with Your Child & Incorporate Speech Therapy for Kids
Use these kid-friendly exercises to get your mind and body moving while incorporating speech therapy goals.

Practice your speech therapy in between speech therapy sessions
Practice speech therapy exercises even on days when you don't have a session with a speech therapist.

9 Fun Poems Help Your Child Practice Speech
The best tips to help teens with communication struggles. Disorganized thoughts might play a role.

Celebrate “Tell a Joke Day” to Improve Your Speech, or Practice Speech Therapy with Your Kids!
To celebrate "Joke Day," we wanted to share a few funny jokes you can use to get your kids to practice Speech Therapy.

Speech Tips for Late Talkers: How to Include Siblings
There are techniques you can encourage siblings to help your late talker toddler. Find out more!

Improving Your Speaking Skills to Get Ahead in Your Career
Tips on how to raise your speaking skills to the next level and information on online speech classes.

Practicing Speech Therapy with your Kids on a Road Trip
As you are planning your summer travels, keep in mind that speech practice can be done on the road.

Practicing Speech Therapy at Home with Everyday Foods
Speech therapy at home with creativity can be fun and effective. The easiest opportunity is just around home.

How Can Animals Help Your Late Talker Toddler?
Animals can improve your child’s speech and language skills. They learn skills by asking about pets!

Speech Therapy for People with Alzheimer's or Dementia
Dementia occur as a result of damage to the brain. Let's understand how speech therapy can help.

How to Improve Articulation: Fun Games for Kids' Speech Therapy
Are you looking for some quick, easy ideas to work on articulation and speech therapy at home?

Why Storytelling Is Great for Kids with Autism?
Stories is important because it provides a meaningful way for families to share common experiences.

Parent Question: What is a lisp and should I worry if my child has one?
As a parent, you might be wondering what a lisp is and when you should worry if your child has one.

Beyond Speech Therapy. Helping Families with Atypical Needs.
Every child has frustrating moments. But some have atypical needs that needs outside-the-box parenting.

Spring has Sprung 🌻 So Lets Go Outside to Practice Speech
It's a been a long winter just about everywhere and the speech language pathologists at Better Speech have had about enough of the cold...

How to Prevent the Summer (Speech Therapy) Slide
How to keep your child's progress with a speech therapist during the summer vacations.

We Wrote an April Fools Blog Post. Just Kidding!
How to make any holiday a great occasion for speech therapy exercises with your child like April 1st!

Am I Asking My Toddler Too Many Questions?
Is it okay to ask your child too many questions? Find out what SLPs think about it & what they recommend.
Speech Therapy Resources and Articles | Better Speech
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