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Speech Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury: What to Expect
What kind of help is needed for TBI recovery? This article provides an overview of speech therapy for TBI and what you can expect.

Ways to Exercise with Your Child & Incorporate Speech Therapy for Kids
Use these kid-friendly exercises to get your mind and body moving while incorporating speech therapy goals.

Celebrate “Tell a Joke Day” to Improve Your Speech, or Practice Speech Therapy with Your Kids!
To celebrate "Joke Day," we wanted to share a few funny jokes you can use to get your kids to practice Speech Therapy.

Spring has Sprung 🌻 So Lets Go Outside to Practice Speech
It's a been a long winter just about everywhere and the speech language pathologists at Better Speech have had about enough of the cold...

St. Patrick's Day Fun for Kids with a Hidden Speech Therapy Twist
St. Patrick's Day entertainment for children with the development of your child's speech skills.

Using Snack-Time to Work on Communication Skills
Pumping up a child's communication skills during everyday tasks is an effective way according to SLPs.

A Healthy Winter Recipe to Practice Speech & Language Skills
Helping your child with their speech and language skills at home can be fun and healthy at the same time

3 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Toddlers in Speech Therapy
Have some fun with your toddler on Valentine's Day while also practicing their communication. Check our our list of fun activities to use.

Monkey See Monkey Do!
Imitation skills for speech delayed/late talking toddlers is crucial. Parents should focus on teaching kids to repeat what they are doing an

Do Children Who Are Late Talkers Catch Up?
We understand how children learn at their own pace. However, others need help to outgrow their delay.

Boo! Halloween with Non-Verbal Kids is a Treat
Tips on how to celebrate Halloween with your non-verbal child in speech therapy for kids.

Help! No One Understands What My Toddler is Saying
A thing we hear most from parents is that someone doesn’t understand what their child is saying.

How Children Develop their Speech Sounds
Kids learn how to say sounds by listening to the adults around them speak. These are sounds to teach first.

Does Your Child Have Apraxia of Speech?
Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a disorder in which they have difficulty positioning their articulators.
Speech Therapy Resources and Articles | Better Speech
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